The first Indian film director to win an Academy Award, Kartiki Gonsalves discusses the importance of positive stories.
The director of CSIRO’s huge digital division Data61, Jon Whittle is realistic about where artificial intelligence is at, and where it needs to go.
Collaboration is key in the race to address climate change, says science futurist and entrepreneur, Associate Professor Catherine Ball.
Engineer and scientist Professor Nick Opie is one of the brains behind clinical trials that are helping paralysed people control computers with their minds.
Darren Saunders is an award-winning science communicator and the new Deputy Chief Scientist & Engineer in the Office of the New South Wales Chief Scientist & Engineer.
Bush fire researcher Dr Rachael Nolan leveraged the news cycle to highlight the link between climate change and catastrophic bushfires. Here, she shares her advice for researchers who need to get their message out there.
In the brain, some proteins determine when animals reproduce. In foods, others determine whether a coeliac will have a bad reaction. Professor Michelle Colgrave is sorting out the goodies from the baddies.
In her last role, founding and heading the Australian operation of, and her current endeavour as climate editor at Climate & Capital Media, Palese and her colleagues have spearheaded one of the most effective strategies yet against climate change – convincing investors that putting their money behind fossil fuel companies is a bad idea.
A lifelong love of solving puzzles led Dr Jingmei Li into a career searching for new ways to prevent the most common cancer in women.
In her last role, founding and heading the Australian operation of, and her current endeavour as climate editor at Climate & Capital Media, Palese and her colleagues have spearheaded one of the most effective strategies yet against climate change – convincing investors that putting their money behind fossil fuel companies is a bad idea.